Language and writing

Back then in Italy, people for the first time tried to travel longer distances on horseback in a short time. Inevitably, they hit on the idea to swap exhausted animals for rested ones along the way, in order to travel on immediately. That way, they managed to reach faraway destinations in less time. Since the locations where horses were swapped grew into permanent stations, a name had to be found for these places. As a consequence, they took the Latin word “posita”, which means “stay”, changed the term a bit and called the stations “Posta”. Shortly after, other nations adopted this method of travelling and again dubbed the stations differently. The French called them “Poste“, the Germans “Postamt“, and in Poland, Denmark, Russia etc. other labels were found in turn. Each nation had a different word for the same thing. Pretty foolish, don’t you think?

It is bad enough that there are so many different languages and an embarrassing equal number, if not more, of dialects on this planet, but it is even more disastrous how these languages are put to paper. Change that, and make it much easier for the children, so that they can spend their energy and potential on more important things, rather than waste them on the chaotic writing and speaking arts of ancient times. After all, language, as well as writing, is just a means to an end. If you busy yourself too much with the means, the end will miss out. And that’s exactly the case in the matter of education. There are certainly a number of other reasons for the bad conditions on this planet. However, the most important tools for the organization of life, language and writing, originate from primitive times and are really outdated by modern standards.

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