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Space and Matter

With the first incident and further events

Manuscript. 19.01.2007.
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I Foreword I Unknown I Beginning I Evolution I Language I

Contents of this page:

Evolution and mankind
Questions that demand answers in the future

Recognizing the future
Obligations for the future

The future needs robots


Evolution: [Latin ēvolūtiō, ēvolūtiōn-, from ēvolūtus, past participle of ēvolvere, to unroll; see evolve.]: 1. any process of formation or growth; development; a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions. 2. (Biol.) change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

Evolvere: [Latin ēvolvere = to evolve; to unroll, unfold: ē-, ex-, ex- + volvere, to roll; see wel-2 in Indo-European roots.]

Volume: The amount of space, measured in cubic units, that an object or substance occupies. Amount; total (within a certain period of time).

Evolution: 1) The progressive development of big or large-scale coherences. 2) The multitude of movements of something within space. 3) Evolution is the total of all processes from the first slip-up to today and in the future. (t.a. 82)

Evolution: All systematic processes of any infinitely small matter within infinite space. (t.a. 06)

Systematic: having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan.

Evolution is best understood by splitting it into three categories - time, occurrences, and basic laws – and studying it in this manner.

Evolution’s time span is unknown to us.

Time span: a span of time; time frame; a length or period of time, characterized by certain occurrences and developments.

Depending on his educational level and the time at which a human being exists, this time span of evolution is longer or shorter for him.

Evolution’s time span is FROM–TO.


No matter what FROM–TO time a person is aware of, he clearly senses that FROM is not the beginning, and TO is not the end.

Conclusion: Evolution’s time span, FROM–TO, is infinite.

It is easy to see that only FROM-TO is possible, and never TO–FROM: A person has to be a child before becoming an adult; bow and arrow had to be invented before the gun; electricity had to be discovered before the first computer could be built; and we were in the Stone Age first and then in the era of space travel, and not vice versa.

And another thing: It would be very hazardous for our health to go FROM–TO and then back to FROM because in that case, man would again have to fight lions – barehanded. So, first comes FROMMMMMM - and us right in the middle of it - and then, far away in the future, comes TO, so far that we can barely imagine it.

In the course of our lifetime we see things that occur, come about, proceed, pass, or happen. We also see that something happened prior to our life; and this is obvious. And we see similarities and differences in it.

The only consistency between past and present is space and its content – infinitely small matter that is constant in amount and shape.

The only difference between past and present is the infinitely small matter’s change of position within space.

The crucial factor in evolution is change.

From Time
Change Change Change Change Change Change Change Change Change

A certain cause always results in one or more specific effects, never in any random ones. The variables are precise and limited both on the part of all causes and on the part of all effects.

Evolution follows its own concept and its own principles. This creates a chain reaction of occurrences with precise results.

Principle: A fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived; a fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.

Concept: A scheme; a plan.

One could also say that evolution is everything that happens during FROM–TO, with an inevitable, predetermined system FROM–TO. Or it is all that happens to everything during FROM–TO, with an inevitable, predetermined system FROM–TO.

For accidental or deliberate reasons, evolution and its progress are good for us, at least during our time as human beings. Survival conditions have improved tremendously from then to today. After all, who wants to live in the Stone Age and get eaten by lions?

One has to realize that evolution is nowhere near its conclusion yet, and only a blind man can think that everything will stay as it is now.

Evolution is a proceeding development, and if we fail to become integrated into this proceeding development, we’ll get difficulties as a warning. If despite this warning we don’t change our mind, we have lost the game.

The next chance is after the great catastrophe.

Evolution is too powerful for us to resist its proceeding development.

And how do we recognize this proceeding development, so that we can become integrated?

If you want to go from A to B, and in between there is X and beside it Y, you normally go directly from A to B. After all, who considers it clever to first go from A to X, then to Y, and finally to B? Or even worse, from A to X, then to Y, then back to A, then to Y once again and finally perhaps to B, provided that he still knows where he wanted to go in the first place.

If we are on our way from A to B and in between there is a resting place Z where we currently take a rest, eat, drink, and probably enjoy ourselves for a while, then it may happen that we rest for too long and die. Several generations pass by, and then you are there, at this resting place, and you don’t know anything about this B. You wander round in a circle, and nobody can show you the way or tell you where this B is. It was lost because too many people rested for too long.

But you know where this B is. You know it precisely. Ask yourself the right questions, and you will find and recognize it. It lies in a pile of Xs, Ys, Gs, Vs, Rs, etc., between resting places and similar things that you and others have caused for yourself.

And if you really want to find B, then you will, at least the direction.

Evolution and mankind

Regarded from a temporal point of view, evolution is enormous, infinite. The appearance of man is only a tiny part of it. Probably so tiny that it could get lost in the whole. For instance, let’s compare a year with a second. The second is hardly noticeable within the whole year. And yet it is of great importance. Of enormous importance. Without this second, the year wouldn’t exist.

From Evolution To

The human evolutionary line starts with ape-like forms (Propliopithecus and Aegyptopithecus) of the early Oligocene (about 38 million years ago). It would be wrong, a delusion, to claim that apart from space and matter there was anything human accompanying evolution on the whole.

We behold a certain development that humanity goes through. Stone Age, fire, electricity, atom, satellites. Mankind is forced to go this way. But there is something odd about it. They don’t go this way in a straight line. Theoretically, one could imagine a continuous development (yellow line), from one thing directly to the next, from home phone to cell phone, from fire to steam engine. However, there is an enormous brake at work here. Man doesn’t want progress; he is very anxious. Even a destructive element is involved here, namely wars (red line).

It would be fantastic if mankind followed the green line. But they follow the red line. They still do it, and they will keep doing it for a long time.

Why is that?

To answer this question, one has to study the very capacious space and the very long time span of evolution.


The biggest space known to us, apart from infinite space, is the universe (cosmos), the world as a whole, i.e. the entirety of matter-filled space including a resulting spatiotemporal order in the form of four-dimensionality.

Four-dimensional: Having four dimensions; describable by the coordinates of space and time.

Researching the origin and the development of the universe as well as its structure and expansion is the focus of cosmology.

The part of the universe that is currently accessible to astronomic research has a radius of more than 3 billion light years and contains approximately 100 billion star systems, among them the galactic system with the solar and planetary system.

Star systems: Physical and evolutionary units of ca. up to several 100 billion stars as well as large quantities of interstellar matter. The star system that contains the sun is the Milky Way, the galactic system. 100 billion star systems times 100 billion stars is 10 000 billion stars. It is safe to assume that there are many more not yet discovered systems within the universe, not to mention outside of the universe. If we now assume that only some stars have one or more planets, the likeliness of life or something similar, higher, arising in the universe is very good. I would say beyond doubt.

The universe is in expansion. This is an important factor one has to consider. If it expands without getting stopped, it will get lost. Who is going to stop it?

The universe is located within a part of infinite space that is unknown to us. I say unknown because apart from the universe every other place is unknown to us. We lack orientation within infinite space.

Time span

It is claimed that the cosmos is 8-13 billion years old. It certainly is much older, and cosmos’ space is still the same. Its time span is infinite.

This extent of space and time is what man has to bring to his mind. It is self-evident then that here in the universe something gigantic is going on.


Let’s now analyze a star system, a galaxy, e.g. our galactic system, the Milky Way.

To analyze: to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

First, it is noticeable that the stars aren’t all equal. At the rim there are less and smaller ones, whereas the stars increase in size and number towards the center.

A development that, seen as something as life, runs continuously everywhere isn’t possible due to two reasons:

1. While at the rim life can start and develop, this isn't possible towards the center because of the high temperatures prevailing there. This is a momentary state.

2. Lies in the future, and here we have to use our imagination. If there was a continuous development at the rim, without destruction (yellow line), life would reach a very high stage in this time, provided that it begins in the center first. Communication between rim and center would be disastrous then. A solution would be to „install” a slowdown to the rim.

Slow development would mean slow motion. One cannot install a slow motion at the beginning and a fast one later. This only works the other way round, i.e. installing a fast motion that slows down on its own accord.

Man cannot control a motion (evolution in this case) but he can conduct a counter-motion (destruction), which again is a motion. This is a trap for humanity that harms their survival. Elements for this trap are plentiful.

The answer to the question why that is, is very simple. The galaxy’s rim and life there are constantly in motion. At the beginning there is a lot of destruction, while later, for the benefit of life, this is reduced. When life starts to develop in the center of the galaxy and reaches a certain level of development, this level isn’t too high in comparison to the level of development of life that is found at the rim. Now they can establish communication and pursue their future tasks together.

And hence destruction (red line). The same happens in the whole universe. Do you understand that?


Difficulty: 1) something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved; problem. 2) A factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result.

Problem [Middle English probleme, from Old French, from Latin problēma, problēmat-, from Greek, from proballein, to throw before, put forward : pro-, before; see pro-2 + ballein, blē-, to throw; see gwelə- in Indo-European roots.]: Any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty; a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved; a misgiving, objection, or complaint. The ideal solution for any problem is the greatest benefit for all dynamics (of all existence).

A difficulty or problem comes up when a person makes a wrong decision to do something, does it, and then fails to achieve satisfying results in his doing with what he now has.

From Time To
The wrong decision to do something Then doing the wrong thing Then a new task Then problem
The right decision to do something Then doing the right thing Then a new task Then no problem

It cannot be denied that the last century was the most turbulent era in the history of mankind. Both world wars alone have claimed fifty million victims. In addition, in Africa and Asia and …


Wars occur all the time. Here, there, or everywhere. Always. And if it is no war, then it’s a so-called cold war. All against each other, economy, industry, buying and selling, having, having more, being better, etc. An ugly affair. Very ugly. And when man blocks out and thinks that he now lives in peace, war again ensues like always before. His morbid struggle to act against it and preserve the present state only accelerates the occurrence of new wars; alas, he doesn’t recognize it. If he recognized it, he would be able to change this process.

Atomic era

Humanity lives in a dangerous time where atomic powers exist that are able to destroy all life in a second. People talk little and they give little thought to it, as if it didn’t exist. But it does exist. That’s a very big problem.


It cannot be denied or blocked out that our energy reserves on earth are drawing to a close. The need for energy and the negative consequences of energy consumption are huge.


Due to human needs and a certain overpopulation that cannot be denied, our world has come to its breaking point. Oil, gas, we more and more exhaust the earth. Empty areas are created. It is a delusion to think that they will refill. It’s hardly surprising that earthquakes and catastrophes occur exactly there. In addition, the term co2 is already known to everyone, just like ozone (t.a. 82).

For years, we have been able to observe a climatic change taking place, caused by man. Green Peace, e.g., have warned us often enough. Today this word is popular, on everyone’s lips, but exactly like back then, nobody is particularly interested in it. (t.a. 07)


Animals and all things edible are exploited by man to the max. Many breeds vanish, and we are threatened by a lack of food. Nature’s balance is disturbed as well.

The ca. 6.5 billion people living on the world today, with their huge mega cities, need an enormous amount of food. If we produced this food conventionally, i.e. without mass production, we would get a number of problems. Without the industrialization in general nothing at all would work today. This is also valid for the production of food, and it would be impossible to produce enough food for all people. We already have enough starving people on this planet, and this is not only caused by geographic, economic, scientific, or social reasons.

One thing is certain: An empty stomach results in violence.

Since he needs these enormous amounts of food, man takes every opportunity to satisfy this demand. First he hunts animals, and then he devises better and better tools and methods to hunt even better and even more. It doesn’t take long and all animals are finished, consumed. Man has to wander to find new regions with fresh animals. By the way, man is able to eat nearly everything, which is a sign for his enormous need for food. In order not to kill all life and thus be without food, man begins to artificially cultivate his food. Farms (large-scale livestock farming), factories, and forced reproduction of animals arise. Physics, beginning with bow and arrow right up to machines, medicine, chemistry, pharmaceutics, etc. interfere. Even colors do something; they color food in order to make the meat at the counter look appetizing.

We can see how many components take a part in the need for food. And we know that from the computers. Only one bit needs to cut out, a little error, a virus, and the whole system breaks down. The mad cow disease back then, and the bird flu, which we know from recent times, are but a few clearly recognizable examples where nature fights against its destruction by man. It takes a lot of effort for us to work against the mad cow disease, the bird flu, or something similar. It is a battle that we must not to lose. What if we lost and no longer had any pigs, cattle, milk, or turkey?

Wars also result in a food shortage. During the war anyway, but also afterwards. For example, think of meal vouchers for food after the Second World War.

It is normal for us to find a supermarket at every corner, containing an abundance of food. We believe that it is no problem to go there and buy something to eat. But it can become a problem.

The ground is a problem too. We are able to situate animals and plants in very small space, which we do, but even this ground is limited. After all, other things need their space too, e.g. man and his property, or – currently topical – energy, wind generators, nuclear power stations, and especially oilseed rape. We could even build skyscrapers for animals and plants, and I’m positive that it will come this far.

The fertilization of the soil and the dung of animals, which contribute a lot to the climate change but which is taken not too seriously, must not be forgotten either, for they are a problem that is easy to miss but quite serious nevertheless.

In my opinion, the shortage of energy, of electricity, is also a problem that will concern us in the future. Imagine how we are unable to store enough food because we lack the power to run enough refrigerators. And by taking into consideration the climate change, which results in an increase of temperature, the problem is even made plainer. We already know of power blackouts in some places on earth due to air conditioners.

Now we can get a rough idea of how sensitive the topic of food is, even if not nearly every problem has been addressed at this point.

The climate change

The climate change actually started a long time ago. I can remember that when I was a child, there was much snow in winter, and the winters were long. Later, in about 1970–1975, long before the first people, e.g. Green Peace, started to talk about it, I noticed a change. I was always surprised that the winters weren't as long, that there wasn’t as much snow, and that it wasn’t as cold anymore. This got worse from year to year. The summers grew hotter too. First I thought that as a child I had seen things differently, but then other people began to talk about it as well. Today everybody knows that a change is taking place. And everybody knows that it’s man’s fault.

I just fear that very little is done against it. And even worse, it might be that people talk about it now but will forget it later. The same has happened to the atom bomb, for instance. First people made a great fuss about the atom bomb, and later nobody talked about it anymore. But it is doubtlessly still a threat.

It is very strange how much people argue about the climate change. Everyone sees this problem from his own point of view and in regard of his own interests. It is a very dangerous game. Instead of unconditionally doing everything to stop the change as long as it is still possible, they discuss and drag the problem through time like chewing gum.

If the climate change continues, we will face a big problem. Apart from natural disasters, plagues, and mass migrations, large-scale wars are inevitable.

We just have to look at Africa. A few years ago I was in Senegal for three months. It is a wonder that people can live there at all. No fertile land far and wide, and the little vegetation that does exist is in a miserable condition. It’s hardly surprising that the refugees want to come to Europe or other countries. I was nowhere else. But I heard that there are also regions with a lot of rain and wood. I don’t know if this is good. I don’t have to mention the Sahara, except that it hasn’t always been a desert.

One thing is certain: In order to prevent the worst from happening, concerning the results of the climate change, there needs to be renunciation from every single one of us. There mustn’t be any interests involved that entail the risk of disaster.

One can also look differently at this topic. Let’s leave it well enough alone, follow our own interests as we deem it, with the belief that we won't draw the short straw. Then the climate change will turn into a new form of mass destruction, like cholera, the plague, or wars, only on a much greater scale. It seems to me that there always has to be a reason, and this time it could be the climate change. Other than the fact that every now and then somewhere on this planet larger mass destructions happen by wars, natural disasters like tsunamis or earthquakes, by suicide bombers or similar things, it is astonishing that for the last 63 years no larger destruction has occurred.


The human coexistence is in danger. Everybody knows that, provided that he opens his eyes and employs his brains. Even individual persons have big issues among themselves, not only cultures.


How are we supposed to provide work for everyone, and thus an existence for everyone, if we are able to produce in abundance? Who is in need of that all? Our modern technology enables us to produce hundreds of products in no time.

It is not good if there isn’t enough work for everyone. It’s not good for those who have no work, but neither is it good for those who do have work. People who have no work are a big problem. They need assistance, they are a burden for the working populace, they weaken social structures, and they demonstrate and protest or become apathetic. Many of them behave unethically, develop issues with alcohol and drugs in general, or lapse into crime. If these circumstances aren’t changed in time to create enough work for everyone, the final result will be war.

It’s a sad affair if someone doesn’t have work, but it’s also strange, one could even say bold, that he ruthlessly demands work. He says „I’m a human being like you and everyone else” or „I’m from here”, which means that he is born here, fatherland, brothership, comrade, or something similar. But from whom does he demand, and by what right? Why is someone responsible for giving him work? Somehow this kind of behavior is embarrassing.

Another example: If someone has work, whether in a small group or a large company, and then this work is no longer wanted or demanded by the general public, or there is no longer any demand for that product, why do the employees go in strike and demand that they keep their work?

And why should someone refrain from achieving the maximum possible result with his work, if he can? Everybody will want that and everybody will do that. And why do those who are dismissed complain and blame the employer, who, by doing that, just wants to achieve better results with his work?

There are many issues and deliberations considering the topic of work, but one thing is certain: Work has to be done well, and doing well doesn’t mean being social, pity, or alms, but doing a good job, giving the best possible. No socialism is good for that. And if you don't do a good job, you lose. However, doing a good job doesn’t mean going to work everyday, just doing something, and then thinking one has done a good job either. Doing a good job means doing what must be done, i.e. what is important and necessary. Not just doing something for the sake of doing it.

One kind of work is that which runs parallel to evolution, no matter if we recognize it or not. It is a way to advance development. Another kind of work is that which enables advancing work to advance at all. Something akin to the supply of services, so to speak. If this first work doesn’t advance enough or at all, there is no demand for the second kind of work either. In other words: There have to be enough things new and innovative for all to have work, and that only succeeds if these new and innovative things serve evolution. Simply producing a new color for the cell-phone or other bric-a-brac isn’t enough. Maybe as a short term solution, but never in the long run. Bric-a-brac, i.e. something without greater purpose, has always been produced by man, by the way. For instance, think of the ornaments of the baroque period.

Everybody is responsible for getting himself a job. Not everybody has the ability to get himself a job, but everybody can learn this ability. And that’s what everybody should do. For only work gives a higher guarantee of peace on this planet. There is always a way.


I’m no political scientist, but I’m very interested in this topic and I’d like to venture my opinion about it.

As a youth, I didn’t take any interest in politics at all. It was just the opposite. I was against occupying myself with it and taking interest in it. I thought it would hamper my thinking and thus my doings in life. I thought it was something unnecessary that only results in confusion. I believed that there was no use for it and that nothing could be changed. Somehow politics had nothing to do with me at all.

As I grew older, my interest for politics kept increasing, grew more intensive. Today I'm definitely interested in this topic, and highly so. I have come to believe that politics greatly if not completely influence the life of us all, and thus mine.

I see politics as follows: As an effort for mankind to survive as good as in any way possible. This includes having all that is necessary, and abundantly so. For this, people have to do something, and they have to produce what they wish for. If people were perfect creatures, there would be no problems to achieve what they need for a good survival. They would just do what needs to be done, help each other in doing so, etc. But they are not perfect. One produces better, the other worse; one produces more, the other less; and there are also those who do not produce at all or are even against productivity. This also covers theft, both on a small and large scale.

In order to act against this problem, people have come up with plenty of ideas during their history. They have labeled the bartering of wares, money, currency, and certain social structures in general as culture, economy, education, ethics, etc.

One structure would be democracy, where all collectively decide what should be done. However, there are two important problems. First, man is not a perfect being and thus cannot always make good and right decisions. The second problem consists in the difference between those who are superior and those who are inferior.

Those who organize their doing in a superior way work faster and accomplish more than the others, who are inferior and accomplish less. The former are the capitalists with their capital.

Tension arises between those who have the capital and those who demand that capital.

The one who has the capital is the employer, while those who work are employees. That’s how it’s called. The sight we have in many countries of the earth today. Whereas an employer is not only someone who provides work, but also someone who works himself.

There is no pure democracy. There is only a mix of capitalism and democracy. As a result, this system should probably be called capitalistic democracy instead of democracy, a statement that can be heard again and again.

Maybe there was a pure democracy back in the time of the tribes, or there is one today in good groups, where all members collectively decide what should be done. But even that doesn’t work, and certainly not nowadays, because there are many people involved, and because a small group alone cannot properly survive and thus depends on other groups.

Democracy is a collective decision of what should be done. People make this decision on the basis of a certain knowledge that originated in their past. Since throughout history, people were forced by frontiers to live isolated from each other for longer periods of time, they have developed different spheres of knowledge, cultures, traditions, etc. If today in a globalization, like the EU for instance, we expect a democracy that is supposed to work, we get big problems because there are different decisions at work here. A global democracy is nearly impossible today.

The road to globalization is a good one and a road that has to be taken someday anyway – evolution wants it that way. But it seems to me that people have set out a bit too soon. The world isn’t ready for it yet. However, it may be that people indeed have to learn from experience, even if this is accompanied by difficulties because they are unable to conceive it without experience.

I don’t necessarily consider globalization as what most people want but rather as a must, since a small group, a country for instance, can no longer survive properly today. And it will be harder and harder to survive as a small group in the future. Since what a sane human mind would say and want, namely that everybody works hand in hand – democracy in the true sense of the word –, doesn’t work because of a lack of solid sense on this planet, it is forced upon us now and even more so in the future by nature, evolution, and the universe.

I consider a politician as a kind of mediator who tries to mediate between those who have and those who have not. In addition, he thinks – albeit not very far into the future – that the coexistence and the survival of this group or of everyone work properly in the future. A politician has to please the majority, or he won’t be a politician for long.

A politician mustn’t advocate the truth if he has recognized the truth, or he won’t be a politician for long.

I want to write a closing word now, even though it won’t probably be understood properly without having studied the human mind. If the human mind was sane, clear, well-functioning, and without wrong data that were created in the past and from transfer, politics would be redundant and all politicians would be out of work. What then could happen to politics is that they shut themselves from the information media. What I want to say is that due to the size of the geographic area where people live, and their large number, an individual cannot know what someone else does at another place. In order to make a joint decision, and to make a decision at all, one has to know what he has to his disposal. Satellites, television, etc. give information, or they could properly give information to all the people on this planet provided that they stop lying, manipulating, censoring, and delivering useless nonsense.

Then it would look like something a child could imagine, I guess. All have, and what we don’t have we’ll accomplish together, and it belongs to everyone. We all bear responsibility.

If we do a bit of thinking, we see that mankind has taken this direction, even if we are still quite at the beginning and our way comes to a dead end ever so often. The EU is a good way, but it will fail due to unreasonableness, the insane human mind, and wrong data. As soon as people achieve abundance for each individual, if not before, this individual will be happy to give something of his property away to someone else, just like people today put their things on the street for others to take away. The way that leads there is still very long and accompanied by a good deal of pitfalls, difficulties, and harm, but we are on this way and we have no choice but to go this way.


It is an essential problem if our world is so densely occupied and populated that people can no longer survive. This moment will come again soon, and we have to act against it. And one can do that, provided one perceives it consciously. It happened often in the past that diseases and wars solved this problem. However, people can solve this problem reasonably and thus change this coming moment if they control the birth rate and only admit as much births as is necessary for the coming period. Never in history has such a control taken place. China is the first nation that had to utilize it out of necessity. Alas, the opposite happens with people who demand an increasing natality. And mankind has always made this mistake, not only during the Hitler era (cannon food). We also do this today. The government wants to make us believe that we shrink and that we need more children for this and that reason. There are also many individuals who, like in granny's time, want to have and also have many children, and it’s the poor in particular who can offer their children only a low level of education. These children have few chances in society and will always pose a problem. The reason for this phenomenon is a lack of creativity of sublimation, from which fresh goals and new tasks for society arise.

Questions that demand answers in the future

There are many, probably countless questions that we should answer, for without answers man is unknowing. Not every answer necessarily needs to be right, valuable, and/or of high quality. But there has to be an answer.

Why is man on earth?

This question can be answered with regard to time, the present, the past, and the future. Equally, the answer can refer to a short or a longer period of time. Each individual and every group does this in a different way. In this manner, many answers exist. But only one thing counts, and that is doing. Certainly not doing nothing. And what does man do? In order to find an answer here, one has to observe for a long time, lest he gets unimportant doing for an answer. So, let’s observe all the time that we know and all that man has done during this time. I don’t have to list all the things at this point – usage of stone, fire, machines, electricity, etc. – to see that he develops things and that he does so in a certain order. And so today we have what we have, what people were doing, and why they exist.

What is someone or something here for?

This question imposes the answer that something has to be there for something else. “Just for itself” wouldn’t be an answer. And in nature it is indeed the case that something is there for something else. One could say that one element serves or aids another one, or one thing cannot do what it does without the other one. If man had no food, he couldn’t do anything.

It is a chain where the subordinate serves the superordinate. And man is supposed to be superordinate here on earth. What is his superordinated element? Whom does he serve? He serves the not yet existing that he creates step by step. And this is exactly what causes people to be wrong. They believe that they are here for themselves, for their group, or for a larger group. That’s the delusion, and it causes them to misjudge their true task and thus their own way to the future (i.e. solving problems).

Why so many people?

In order to do something, to accomplish a task or to solve a problem, one needs resources, tools, knowledge, manpower, etc. The more one has to do, the more resources are necessary in order to do it. Sometimes there is a lot to do, sometimes less. In either case, one needs enough of the required resources. In a time when there is a lot to do, one needs many people. In a time when there is less to do, one needs few people. Best would be to have many people in order to accomplish things in either time. But what about the remaining people when there is little to do? Nature, evolution, has thought of something. People are able to reproduce in large amounts at any given time, and if they are no longer needed, they destroy themselves and thus decrease to the necessary amount. And there is more to the game. If the amount isn't enough when needed, man creates help in the form of machines, robots, computers, etc. Let’s compare the Stone Age and today. More precise studies reveal that there was substantially less to do back then. And if we think of the future, when we will start with true space travel and the conquest of the universe, we see enormous tasks and much that is to do. Then it fits that evolution forced us to develop technology.

From Time To
5000 people needed
0 people unnecessary
3000 People needed
2000 people unnecessary
4000 People needed
1000 people unnecessary
15000 People needed
10000 people lacking
11000 People needed
6000 people lacking

Further questions

What is to be done if there are too little people?

What is to be done if there are too many people?

What is to be done if someone or something isn’t needed?

What is to be done if someone or something doesn’t work properly?

What is to be done if someone or something works too properly?


Change is to make something different. It is the first and oldest primeval law functionality. The slip-up started by going into motion, by changing its localization. Past and future are change. This is the only thing that is valid in the big temporal space. The law no. 1. And that is what a child, a young person wants before adults prevent him from. Fortunately, ten percent of all children remain children.

Time and points in time are infinite. We know a part of it, 13 billion years. However, I think that it is much more. Nevertheless, it is an enormously long period of time. Mankind only exists for a fraction of this time. Who believes or claims that man will exist for eternity? ... Not me.

Man changes, and that totally. They don’t say that man is a further development of a lesser being, the ape-man, but they rather say that the ape-man has created man. The ape-man made an effort to walk straight, e.g. in order to be able to fetch food from trees. He invented bow and arrow, learned to utilize fire, watched the stars, etc. And what does man do today? The same. He develops himself, changes himself. He creates a new man.

Change is a slow, step-by-step process. It doesn’t always have to be recognized clearly and plainly. But change does take place nevertheless.

The machines that man has created have long replaced him in many areas, and they are also better than man in these areas.

Soon the time will come when man can only say: „But I can think. This is irreplaceable. You see, I’m valuable after all, it doesn’t work without me, and I’m not useless, not redundant.” Yes, but for how long? The dinosaurs probably wanted to survive too.

I often ask myself why man keeps putting himself in the spotlight, probably five million years ago, in the dark ages, and to this very day. Yes, of course, he is important but not unlimitedly so. Actually, this is his biggest, most basic flaw – putting himself into the spotlight.


Creativity – these are the data and activities to create things that are for the future.

A survey of all of this has shown that at any given time on earth there were no more than 10.000 people who had the guts to direct or lead a bit ... There are actually only about 10.000 of them.” L.R.H., 1952

Ten percent of all people, of eight billion today, are creative. Others believe that they are creative but aren’t creative for evolution, have no knowledge of it, no interest, or believe that they can’t do anything anyway. But all of them want the future, are hanger-ons.

Hanger-on: a person who remains in a place or attaches himself or herself to a group, another person, etc., although not wanted, esp. in the hope or expectation of personal gain.

People and periods that shaped today

- Million. Pithecanthropus
- 4241. Sothis
- 3300. Narmer
- 3000. Neolithic period
- 2850. Cheops
- 2540. Snefru
- 1970. Mycene
- 1840. Zimrilin
- 1700. Hyksos
- 1680. Amosis
- 1580. Papyrus
- 1479. Hatshepsut
- 1391. Amenophis
- 1245. Shang
- 1100. Saul
- 800. Homer
- 790. Geometry
- 776. Olympiad
- 700. Hesiod
- 600. Kallinos
- 500. Milet
- 580. Pythagoras
- 500. Leucippus
- 485. Protagoras
- 377. Hippocrates
- 470. Socrates
- 446. Polygnotos
- 427. Plato
- 405. Critias
- 395. Zeuxis
- 384. Aristotle
- 365. Archytas
- 347. Plato
- 336. Alexander
- 312. Aqueduct
- 286. Philadelphos
- 247. Hannibal
- 221. Chinese wall
- 135. Humanitas
- 103. Yamato
- 90. Marius
- 80. Sulla
- 77. Sertorius
- 68. Julius Caesar
- 41. Maro
- 30. Julians
- 27. Maecenas
- 16. Vitruvius
6. Jesus
24. Pontius
40. Nero
50. Paulus
70. Titus
121. Aurelius
200. Heliodoros
205. Plotinus
220. Tsau
251. Plague in Ethiopia
270. Japan
278. Probus
286. Maya
311. Edict of Toleration
300. Constantine
340. Ambrosius
387. Antiphon
400. Maya
406. Ku K’aichi
440. Pope Leo I
470. Migration period
480. Meg-Thi
500. Arthur
527. Regula Benedicti
571. Mohammed
651. Li Ssu-hsün
700. Abul-Abbas
710. Vikings
757. Manyoshu
763. Tassilo
775. Charlemagne
786. Harun
800. Abu Nuwas
810. Ludwig I
830. Lothar
863. St. Cyril
880. Fujiwara
889. Neumes
912. Constantine
927. Abraham
936. Otto I
947. Hou-Han
955. Arslan
973. Abu al-Wafa
983. Aurillac
997. Sacramentary
1000. Wladimir I
1005. Romantic period
1009. Yusuf ibn Taschfin
1015. Boleslaw I
1021. Langobards
1070. Salomon
1096. Crusades
1100. Abelard
1130. Balduin
1146. Konrad III
1148. Hui-tsung
1155. Gothic period
1200. Takanobu
1206. Genghis Khan
1215. Inca
1234. Pierro
1280. Albertus
1281. Ars nova
1303. Meister Eckhard
1326. Urchan
1338. Patrarca
1337. Martini
1348. Plague in Europe
1354. Cola di Rienzi
1375. Aztecs
1378. John Wycliffe
1399. Mantegna
1405. Renaissance
1420. Hubert
1421. Suleiman
1428. Masaccio
1450. Johann
1451. Mohammed II
1452. Leonardo
1471. Albrecht Dürer
1473. Copernicus
1475. Huayna
1483. Raphael
1492. Columbus
1494. Tromboncino
1500. Martin Luther
1500. Hieronymus Bosch
1511. Giogio Vasari
1517. Reformation
1524. Michelangelo
1541. Pizarro
1546. Tycho Brahe
1548. Giordano Bruno
1566. Soliman II
1571. Don Juan
1577. Peter Rubens
1584. Orlando di Lasso
1592. Mandschu
1606. Rembrandt
1606. Carlo Maderna
1618. Thirty Years’ War
1619. Johannes Kepler
1625. Baroque
1633. Galileo Galilei
1637. Buxtehude
1644. Stradivari
1650. Juan Gomez
1685. Sebastian Bach
1688. Emanuel
1695. Mustafa II
1701. Anders Celsius
1705. Rococo
1714. Damad Ali
1725. Enlightenment
1746. Francisco Goya
1750. Absolutism
1757. Seven Years’ War
1759. Friedrich Schiller
1770. Ludwig v. Beethoven
1773. Goethe
1785. Washington
1790. Mozart
1793. Classicism
1797. Franz Schubert
1696. Bonaparte
1791. Faraday
1797. Heinrich Heine
1800. Romantic period
1800. Caspar David
1807. Garibaldi
1813. Richard Wagner
1813. Verdi
1814. George
1815. Bismarck
1818. Karl Marx
1829. Hokusai
1834. Daimler
1845. Röntgen
1855. Realism
1857. Hertz
1858. Diesel
1858. Max Planck
1860. Imperialism
1861. Philipp Reis
1863. Manet
1866. Kandinsky
1867. Impressionism
1869. Gandhi
1870. Population increase
1874. Renoir
1877. Hermann Hesse
1879. Dostojewski
1879. Einstein
1881. Picasso
1883. Mussolini
1886. Oskar Kokoschka
1887. Eiffel
1887. Chagall
1889. Van Gogh
1890. Cézanne
1910. Cubism
1892. Paul Gauguin
1897. Art nouveau
1900. Peter Behrens
1904. Expressionism
1905. Greta Garbo
1913. Titanic
1917. Lenin
1920. Abstract
1927. Purposive
1923. Sigmund Freud
1930. Konstruction
1931. Dali
1942. Second World War
1942. Nuclear power
1943. Technicolor
1944. Kandinsky
1945. UNO & KPD
1948. Rockefeller
1949. Article 5
1950. Le Corbusier
1950. Toni All
1951. Abstract
1952. Nuclear power station
1955. Baumeister
1955. Composition
1957. Sputnik
1962. Pop-art
1965. Happening
1987. Aids

Recognizing the future

The future is the time that is approaching, that isn’t here yet; the coming or prospective time.

Future: Time, sequence, successiveness, succession of moments that approach, that aren’t here yet, that are about to come, that emerge from past and present. (t.a. 05).

Future exists either way, with people or without them. Every human being has a future, no matter what it may look like. And if he dies today, then his future consists of being buried tomorrow, feeding the worms, and helping the flowers to grow.

In order to cope with life, man has decided to live in the present, for only in the present he is able to perform coordinated activities within the physical universe. That doesn’t mean that he also does so with his head. His head can virtually be in any desired time, past or future. And that’s what he does. But sadly only with limited range and limited interest. Out of necessity, e.g., he thinks of his next action. And if he wants to phantasize, he lacks the necessary data or is restricted by authoritative data.

Future has an unlimited amount of points of time, which can be goals for the present and which indeed are.

The more man recognizes these points of time, the more he knows what he has to achieve or to do, and he doesn’t have to stray anymore. The farther these points of time lie in the future, the safer man is in his acting. He doesn’t have to make decisions anymore; he knows what he has to do. As soon as these goals are known to everyone, humanity’s dream has come true. Everybody knows what is right and important. What should be, and what has to be.

The farther a point of time is in the future, and the more one occupies himself with it, the better known are the points of time before, and the plainer is the future.

The following goals in the future are recognizable:

1. The sun is a very good indication for recognizing a point of time in the future. One day the sun will have cooled-down so much that it will go out. That’s a fact. By then, if not earlier, life, or what it has changed into by then, has to have a new way to survive. It is doubtful that man will have the ability to survive then. Unless there is a miracle (for those who believe in miracles – I don’t) or man does something for it in advance. And when does he have to start with this preparation? Strictly speaking, it has already begun. Man just doesn’t know; it isn’t omnipresent for him. However, recognizing this one point of time in the future can solve his present social problems for the biggest part. Then all know what has to be done, what’s right and what’s wrong, and all have a big agreement.

Alas, people say: „This is still so far away, we’re living right now, I don’t care”, and then they laugh about it.

But this is a very important point of time. It clearly shows us without a doubt what is most important to do, what has to be done, the meaning of our existence, our task, etc. Space travel and our whole science are good. Man has to continue his research in every direction. We are talking about „creating knowledge”, after all. And knowledge is the basis of our existence. Or do we rather want to change back into man-apes? He who believes that we can stay on this evolutionary level forever and fights for constantly repairing today is way-off.

2. Conquering and settling other cosmic objects. Man has long started to do that. He has to continue to do this.

3. Seeking and locating other populated cosmic objects. Man has long started with that. He has to continue to do this.

4. Building and using spaceships for generational flights. Man himself and with artistic means.

5. Using the moon correctly. Man has long started with that. He has to continue to do this.

6. End of resources.

Obligations for the future

Man wants to survive properly, and seeing the fact that he doesn’t survive properly causes him to wonder how it could be better in the future. And this is a task he should commit himself to, since if he doesn’t, he won’t survive properly.

Obligation: A binding promise, contract, sense of duty, etc.; something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.

Duty: Something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation; a task or chore that a person is expected to perform.

We want to live a happy and content life. This is linked to certain requirements, both materialistic and moral.

Since the universe isn’t particularly friendly toward man, not since the beginning of human history, man had to constantly create many things in order to be content. After his death he leaves those created things to the following generations.

Apart from some exceptions, e.g. wars and the resulting hardship, following generations inherit a higher welfare. They don’t have to live in caves anymore, they don't suffer rheumatism from it, are no longer food for animals, etc. That doesn’t automatically mean that they are content and happy, can lie down and just exist, but they are better off.

No generation up to now has just been content or happy, but all of them have worked towards becoming content or happy.

If people have worked towards contentment and happiness for all their life and even sacrificed their life for it, conducted a lot of wars, or died of natural reasons, and we benefit from it today, it is our obligation – on behalf of all these people and also in our own interest, since we’re not content or happy either – to help the coming generation to become content and happy. And we have to continue with this where our ancestors were interrupted by death.

They had to attend to a task, and since they were interrupted by death, we now take over this task.
And when we are dead, our descendants take over this task for execution.

Here are some examples for obligations:


Every person has been taught to think and behave in a certain way, and that's the reason why he thinks in a certain way and behaves in a certain way. However, all these authoritative things are not necessarily good, and man doesn't always think well or behave well. Our problems in the future cannot be solved by non-good thinking and non-good behavior. Thus, man has to sort out what’s good data and what’s bad data.

Removing toxins

We have to uncover the deception that springs from poisons that are used secretly, that are not made public, and that are contained in our food, cosmetics, and clothes. If the world were free of poison, people would have much greater abilities.

We live in a society under siege that is exposed to a constant onslaught of drugs and poisonous substances every day. No part of life on this planet is spared from this assault today. Even if someone doesn’t take any hard drugs, he soaks up a number of toxins from food, the environment, „harmless” drugs, cosmetics, and even clothing in the course of his life. These toxins accumulate in the body, in the tissue, stay there for years, and can only be metabolized with difficulty. Even if someone takes care of himself, he cannot escape the toxins. He thinks that he’s fine, but he doesn’t know that he could be better if he wasn’t poisoned. Each one of us knows that if we do not feel good, if our body suffers from ailments, we are not in good shape, we do not function properly, we cannot think, and we are mentally inable. It can thus be assumed that we could function far better mentally if we were free from poison. We could better accomplish the tasks that we need for the future.

Stabilizing the poison-free world

We have to steady the accomplished detoxification, so that the toxins cannot re-enter our life.

Begetting children

We have to use our abilities to find out what is needed for the future, and we have to calculate what kind of people we need and how many. This is equal to the begetting of children. No matter how humane it may seem, it is unnecessary that everyone who, for any reason or no reason at all, fathers a child is in the right and one later has to deal with the existence of these people (work) or even has to wage wars (wars always result from bad living conditions).

A child that isn’t born won’t mind. Do we ask this unborn being if it wants to be in this chaotic world at all?

We haven’t reached that point yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if cloning someday becomes standard and we are able to get just the results we wish for by doing so.

Raising children

Raising children is a great responsibility for the future because it demands a high degree of ability. As a result, it should only be performed by competent persons and not by everyone who happens to be the genitor of a child or by the environment the child happens to grow up in.

Everybody knows that children are the bearers of the coming times. But nobody is completely sure – and everyone thinks they are – how to prepare children for these coming times. It is a huge mistake to believe that one should teach his children one's own knowledge. Sure, this is partly right, but really just partly, for one must not forget, even if people don’t like it, that the future always looks different than the present. Accordingly, knowledge has to be different, geared to future. This means that one first has to find out exactly what is needed for the future.

Seeking and locating other populated cosmic objects

Man has long started with that. However, one thing is desirable, and that is that everyone participates in it, even only by knowing that it is so.

It cannot be good that only a few individuals work towards the future of mankind, while others don’t participate.

Learning to provide the ability for visions

Being able to imagine a future conceived image. Seeing something in one's own mind.


Everybody knows that in the long run, our modern means of mobility and transport – the car – cannot be operated by the energy that it currently needs. There has to be a new form. Neither saving nor an alternative do any good. That’s just patching, like a flat tire that one patches up again and again. However, at some point this doesn’t work anymore.

A new solution for this problem would be nuclear power, which we already have started with, but which we haven't learned to utilize correctly yet.

A 4-part car would be a temporary solution. It is possible to construct a car that consists of several parts, so that one can drive with one or several parts as needed. I’m always surprised how many cars are on the road that are driven only by one or two persons, leaving two seats empty and the trunk to boot.


Artificial oxygen can be produced without much difficulty and in any amount desired, in any location on earth and in space.

Using the moon correctly

On the 20th of July 1969, Neil A. Armstrong sets foot on moon’s surface as the first human being. Since then, not much has happened there, which doesn’t mean that there wasn’t more to do. Man can only survive there with the aid of highly developed technology. And this technology should be acquired.

Some years later, scientists simulated a city on the moon in the federal state of Texas, USA. Hermetically sealed and with everything a person needs. Two men and two women took part in the experiment. They had large gardens and so on. Contact to the outside world was only possible via phone. The scientists had thought of everything. However, the experiment failed due to micro-organisms.

The moment when many people and many resources are necessary

In the time when large quantities of matter are to be moved, in the age of space-travel, large amounts of resources are needed for it. There is no lack of human manpower. Man reproduces well, and in the future he will reproduce even better by artificial means (he already does that with animals). His technical side is gaining ground as well. We just have to see that we stay on this course and reinforce our activities.

This point in time, this goal, can help man if he gets problems, e.g. lack of employment due to overpopulation.

Building and using spaceships for generational flights

Spaceships which are able to cover a distance that is so great that several generations of people come and go in the meantime. Until now only depicted by artistic means, e.g. in movies or books.

Constructing satellites

Building satellites in small and large formations that are as functional as mother-planet earth.

Connecting satellites

Firmly connecting satellites that aren’t designed for extreme motion.

Conquering and settling other cosmic objects

Man has long started with that. He explores the cosmos.

Leaving planets that aren’t used any longer

Duly leaving planets that aren’t needed anymore. In a way that nothing and nobody can cause any damage, and that they can be employed again later, at another point of time.

Converting planets into satellites or spaceships

Specifically converting a planet into a satellite by usage, if it is necessary. Omitting to do this results in garbage in space.

Approaching glowing objects

Always approaching other still glowing objects in due time, completely with all that exists, leaving nothing behind.

Exploring new galaxies

Exploring new galaxies in the outer regions of our cosmos and also incorporating them into the ongoing process.

Moving to the center of the galaxy

The galactic elements have to expand completely in due time, then move to their center, and collectively become completely moveable there.

Moving to the center of the universe

All galactic constructions and their elements move to the center of the universe in due time. Those that fail are left behind in space as garbage (to be understood as dead today).

Completing the construction

Accomplishing the task to create a completely moveable construction.

Movement within the 5th dimension

The construction moves to the exterior space of the universe, the 5th dimension, to accomplish the next task there.

5th dimension: External space of the known and as yet unknown cosmos that except for space and matter and their fundamental laws of conduct has very little in common with the universe. Other things, other systems. (t.a. 1982)

The future needs robots

Robot: A machine that resembles a human and does mechanical, routine tasks on command; mechanical man, artificial man.

One can conceive and create a supernatural being (God) and then believe and claim that everything was created by him, that he causes everything. First, this is rather simple and omits any effort of studying; second, it came up during a primitive, underdeveloped period of time; and third, it only exists in our intellectual world, not in the real world. However, if one studies this topic thoroughly, more and more, then one gets new knowledge that is very conclusive.

Space and matter have always been here, man by no means however. Not even the solid body has always been here. However, from space and matter (or the spirit, the supreme being, god, if you so will) man has evolved step by step. One could also say that – and this is probably more consistent with the truth – man was step by step created by space and matter. Or even better, space and matter created glowing objects, which in turn created the earth, which in turn created protozoa, which in turn assemble, doing and doing and doing even more, so that we cannot even comprehend photosynthesis due to its complexity, and then they accomplish this and that, and there we are – human beings. And what are we doing? The same that all did before us. We’re doing and doing and doing. We have motors, cranes, computers, atoms, etc. – all as replacement parts for us. For work and activities that we no longer have to do and cannot do anymore. And the replacement parts for our bodies are on the increase as well: bolts, joints, pacemakers, etc. So, we create those who come after us, just like those that were before us created us.

It is no question that down to the present day, man isn’t able to create something that can completely replace him. However, he has already created many human parts that are able to replace his functionality and actually do so. It is only a matter of time until everything is built into one whole, even if it takes millions of years.

To create: To cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes; to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.

From Time To
Little creative work
Primitive creative work
Low creative work
High creative work
Very high creative work

The dinosaurs didn’t believe that they would vanish one day, and man replaced the Plesianthropus, the Australopithecus, the Africanthropus, the Sinanthropus, the Neanderthal, and all the others that also believed to exist forever.


There have always been people who had visions that actually became reality later, but the other people didn’t see that as an ambition but rather as entertainment, as fantasy. Today, there are also enough of these people, and the others again behold them only for their own entertainment. I’m doubtful of people and their ability to recognize the future and thus finally know where they have to go, so that there is a unity of aims and activities, an agreement, not conflicts or problems. The only thing that they will do then is being CREATIVE. I assume that, until they get to this point, they will unfortunately have to suffer a lot of misery and pain. Or not, if they finally comprehend what it is actually all about here in our universe.

Vision: The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be; an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency.

„In order to make sure that things run smoothly, it is necessary to come to an intelligent evaluation of what really has to be done, to set these points as targets, and then make sure that they are actually and completely settled ..."

It takes a clear mind to analyze a section and find out the following:
1. What has to be done?
2. What shouldn’t be done?
3. What is merely desirable to do?
4. What is irrelevant?

„So, doing what must be done simply means: what is important and necessary. Not what is simply a good idea." L.R.H., 1996


I Foreword I Unknown I Beginning I Evolution I Language I

Toni All © All rights reserved.